Doç. Dr. Aytaç Çetinkaya

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Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Wound Examination

A comprehensive diabetic foot examination is an examination process that is carried out to early diagnose and treat problems that may arise in the feet of diabetic patients. This examination is important to detect potential problems caused by circulatory disorders and nerve damage caused by diabetes. In a comprehensive diabetic foot examination according to international guidelines; Patient History: We obtain information about the patient’s duration of diabetes, blood sugar control, previous foot problems or surgeries. This is important to assess the patient’s risk factors.

  • General Observation:** The feet are checked for any swelling, redness, signs of infection or wounds. Foot shape and size are observed. Foot Pulses: The pulses on both ankles and feet are checked manually. In addition, circulatory problems in both feet are tried to be revealed by physical examination with hand-held vascular doppler.

  • Skin Evaluation:** The skin of the foot is checked for cracks, dryness, fungal infection or skin rashes. Scars or previous surgery scars are also examined.

  • Sensory Evaluation:** Sensation in the feet may be reduced due to nerve damage caused by diabetes. We test the patient’s ability to feel the soles of the feet using a thin filament called monofilament. Temperature and vibration sensation are also checked.

  • Temperature difference:** Temperature difference is investigated in both feet and legs. Foot Structure and Footwear Evaluation: If there are deformities or deformities in the feet, recommendations are made on the use of appropriate shoes and insoles. It is checked that the shoes are of appropriate size and comfortable for the feet.

  • X-rays and Imaging:** X-rays or other imaging techniques may be used to assess the condition of the bones and joints of the foot, if necessary. A comprehensive diabetic foot examination helps prevent serious complications by early detection of potential foot problems in diabetic patients. This examination should be repeated regularly and recommendations should be made for people with diabetes to take measures to improve their foot health. If you have diabetes, it is important to stay in regular contact with your doctor and check your feet regularly.

Diabetic Foot Wound Infection Agent Detection

Tissue biopsy and bone biopsy culture are used to identify infectious agents of diabetic foot wounds.

This procedure involves taking a small tissue sample from the wound area. The tissue sample is planted in appropriate media in the laboratory environment and the infectious agents are allowed to grow.

As a result of the culture process, the presence of infectious agents such as bacteria or fungi can be detected.

Thus, appropriate antibiotic or antifungal treatment options are determined.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of diabetic foot wound infection is the most important step in preventing serious complications.

Advanced technology wound debridement techniques

Mechanical Debridement: It is the process of removing dead or infected tissues from the wound surface. This method accelerates the wound healing process and reduces the risk of infection. Mechanical debridement in diabetic foot wounds should be performed by healthcare professionals specialized in this field. Mechanical debridement is performed using special surgical instruments. Dead or damaged tissue on the wound is gently removed, leaving healthy tissue and creating a favorable environment for the healing process. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and is usually painless. This method is applied to ensure wound hygiene, reduce the risk of infection and promote healthy tissue formation.

Enzymatic Debridement: It is performed using an enzyme preparation. These enzymes are usually enzymes called proteases. Proteases help to remove necrotic tissue and wound scabs by breaking down protein. This cleans the wound surface and helps the formation of healthy granulation tissue. Enzymatic debridement is usually performed in several steps. First, the wound surface is cleaned with antiseptic solutions and the enzyme preparation is applied with gauze or a special application material. The enzyme preparation is left on the wound for a certain period of time and then the wound is cleaned again. This procedure ensures the gradual removal of necrotic tissue and scabs. Diabetic foot wounds can be a serious condition, so diabetic patients should be sensitive about their wounds and consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment.

Hydrosurgery: A vacuum-assisted technique used for wound cleaning and debridement is a technique used to remove necrotic (dead) tissue and infected material on the wound surface with a jet stream of water. With this technique, it creates a high-pressure flow to the wound surface, pulls the infected necrotic tissue material and cleans it by transmitting it to a vacuum system. Some of the advantages of using Versajet in the treatment of diabetic foot wounds include Fast and effective cleaning: It can accelerate healing by quickly and effectively removing necrotic tissue and infected material from the wound surface. Gentle cleaning: Removes only damaged and dead tissue with minimal damage to healthy tissue on the wound surface. Vacuum assisted system: Vacuum removes material from the wound surface, keeping the wound clean and reducing the risk of infection. Promotes healing: It can support the healing process as it cleans the wound surface and promotes healthy tissue growth. This technique should be used by a healthcare professional specialized in wound treatment.

Ultrasonic Debridement: Ultrasonic debridement is a technique using high frequency sound waves. The sound waves remove dead tissue on the wound through vibration. Ultrasonic debridement can be used to clean the wound and promote the healing process.

Assoc. Prof. Aytaç Çetinkaya

Caring for diabetic feet and chronic wounds.

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