Diabetic Foot: Treatment and Recovery Processes

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Aytaç Çetinkaya
  • July 21, 2023

Diabetic Foot: Treatment and Recovery Processes

Diabetic foot sores are hard-to-heal skin wounds caused by diabetes (diabetes). Diabetes causes nerve damage and circulatory disorders as a result of prolonged uncontrolled blood sugar levels. This can negatively affect the healing process of wounds on the feet and turn into a serious health problem. In this article, you will find detailed information about the causes, effects and treatment methods of diabetic foot sores.

Before understanding the occurrence of diabetic foot ulcers, let’s review the main effects of diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels remain high as a result of insufficiency of the hormone insulin secreted from the pancreas or the body cells developing resistance to insulin. Prolonged high blood glucose levels adversely affect the nervous and circulatory systems, paving the way for the formation of diabetic foot ulcers.

Diabetic foot ulcers are especially common on the soles of the feet and between the fingers. Diabetes can cause damage to the peripheral nervous system, which can cause the nerves in the feet to fail to function normally and cause loss of sensation. This loss of sensation can lead to foot injuries or reduced sensitivity to pressure points.

In addition, the effect of diabetes on the circulatory system can make it difficult to ensure adequate blood flow to the feet. Tissues that cannot carry enough oxygen and nutrients make it difficult for wounds to heal and increase the risk of infection. Therefore, the treatment and healing of diabetic foot wounds is a complex process.

There are several important factors to achieve success in the treatment of diabetic foot wounds:

** ** Blood Sugar Control:** Good blood sugar control can speed up the wound healing process. It is important that individuals with diabetes regularly monitor their blood sugar and stick to their diet and medication.

  • Wound Care:** Diabetic foot wounds should be cleaned regularly and protected with appropriate dressings. It is important to protect the wound from infection and maintain moisture balance.

  • Infection Control:** Diabetic foot wounds have a high risk of infection. If an infection develops, it should be treated immediately. It is important to consult a specialized health professional for this.

  • Treatment of Circulatory Disorders:** The wound healing process may be longer in individuals with circulatory system problems. Untreated circulatory problems reduce the chances of wounds healing. It is important to apply treatments for circulatory disorders under the guidance of your doctor.

Taking Care of Foot Health: Some important steps can be taken to protect diabetic feet and prevent injuries. Wearing appropriate and comfortable shoes, paying attention to foot hygiene and preventing pressure points can help prevent injuries.

In conclusion, diabetic foot ulcers are a serious health problem and require proper treatment. The success of treatment depends on factors such as control of blood glucose levels, wound care, infection control and treatment of circulatory disorders. The healing process of diabetic foot wounds may differ in each individual and in some cases, complete healing may not be possible. However, with appropriate treatment and care, many wounds can heal and the chances of recovery can be increased. It is important to consult a specialized health professional for your problems related to diabetic foot ulcers. Remember, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can positively affect the healing process.

For more detailed information and appointment, you can get information from Assoc. Dr. Aytaç Çetinkaya.

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